Separate names with a comma.
It's color
That last item phase is **** we tried for over a hour to get it we tried everyone else's levels nothing ******* worked
I heard it was 10,000 / 2250
And yes you do need more locusts
There is a little stage 4 and there is a sweet spot
aww. You guys forfeited. I heard last 5% is like extreme nq with the sweet spots and it regens really quick. Any advice on what to do?
Good Luck, try again after if you want but do it like First: Second: Third: Not one big paragraph
@tayler [color=green]Type[/green]
Well really just confusing not really missing stuff except for the suff you haven't gotten to yet
Um you didn't mention the other 500k troops you had to kill and you only have 2 hours left. Your not gonna make it, confusing and missing stuff
^ it's a little retarted though I only got like 20
Re: A Complete Guide to PvE Epic Battles (Under Construction) that was really quick wulf good job
Great thread Swabia learned alot
Some sections matter more I think you could email devs or maybe a mod would know which does
It's / and not } on the end ] instead
To op they were letting you down easy. If you want a better chance learn the tou First [img]
All stables!