Separate names with a comma.
You only need 13-14bil to be at mp when your HLBC
Re: Epic equipment/battles and Android update soon I'm a little confused. I thought the items just gave you the bonus. Now you have to equip them...
Re: PostQuestionsHere Cant*
Re: PostQuestionsHere @boo32 That's the only link that works for you because on idevice you can have a plus symbol or a ampersand or whatever...
Lube how bout you take **** seriously ;) Op just email your ideas to the devs at
You're really only thinking of yourself when you post these and not how it would effect the game
God you do realize thats 250 less than what it would cost for every mem in a clan to do that, So in my opinion it would be stupid for the game if...
You do realize with propacks eb bonuses and those itd be more than 60% bonus which is WAY to much, Clans should have to earn there prestige...
Uhh No it wouldn't
Re: PostQuestionsHere Mexican don't spam this thread with pointless and useless questions.
Never noticed he did the same for #3 and #9
Player achievments help us determine wether your a newb or not and can be a goal Like i was pretty happy when i got 5000 scout achievemnt, no...
I don't see why people say forges are so good there not. No benefits besides attack which doesn't matter at that level.
@S1ll way to be a ass, It's a pretty good guide only thing brad is you say buy a bestiary at 6 lands but you don't unlock those till 9 lands and...
Good job
@moody Test is how you do it
You don't get them I assume hence clan bonuses
Theres no code that's just "font" you can do this or this or this though
They don't really co peat if it's only lvl 1 SOS
Lvl 4 Guild, once it's lvl 4 guild vs. Lvl3 SOS it's Stats vs. Plunder stats for SOS and guild for plunder