Separate names with a comma.
I too used to hate hte 'cause I was so jelly. Then I moved out of my parents house and quit my job at the record store and got a real job. (Like...
Dear ridiculous creature, No. I didn't break any of the TOU and while it's more of a limerick than a poem, I happen to like it. There are many...
There once was a man from Nantucket, Whose **** was so long he could suck it, He said with a grin as he wiped off his chin, If my ear was a **** I...
I was just wondering the same thing. About the "machine" name tag. Was going to make a thread 'cause I was legitimately curious then saw this one....
Wow. The forum is really good at censorship.
Why da **** I still have 0 and some asshole already has 2k and I've been active since the start?! Fuuuuuuuckkkk yooooouuuu promo!
Did ata reduce the age restriction even lower than nine? Cause I'm seeing a lot of babies in these threads...
Opt-out option?! Ewww....
5 years here for a while now although this isn't my original account. Same name though. Original acct is still floating around somewhere though......
I see that you now have to be at least in the top 100 to get just 1 seal. Devs must not have liked giving away all those free ones for the feather...
Re: Fastest Growth(Up To Date) Go back to FC slayer there's no room for you here...
I don't do EE because I never have and I'm too lazy to learn all the mechanics of it. Also I'm not to keen on wasting my precious gold and...
TheWalkingDude for sale. Active and cheap!
It's hilarious how many "know it alls" post to this thread that are wrong. It's like they haven't even read even one post in the past 20 pages....
Funny read. Thanks to all the angry noobs who contributed.
I've been playing kaw for a little bit now and I never have nor ever will bother to look at who owns an ally I want to hire. Regardless of OSW,...