Separate names with a comma.
Good job, losers!!!
what nameslee said
It's about time. GH fanboys: There's been talk for a long time that the guild Hansel thing was an exploit. You could have read writing on the...
*googles "scorpion poop"
Just finished an NML that dropped 0 fangs
Based on, you know, THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD "EXPLOIT", it cannot be argued that the strategy is not an exploit. It is also true that the guild...
ex·ploit verb ikˈsploit/ 1. make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). "500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology"...
Rudementary: look up the definition for exploit. What they are doing is precisely an exploit. Saying that, I want to reiterate that it is the hit...
btw DaKiller, good luck convincing LB to join any piss ant clan you throw together.
Anarchy likes to accuse Moose of being butthurt, but I see only calm observation on Moose's part. Yeah, it's annoying that they are capitalizing...
I don't understand how you can start a thread kissing -S26TR- butt without even understanding how or why they are structured how they are. I'm...
It's seriously lame to war them.
It's really just their top 4 guys warring/plundering. All others are piñatas
Rephrase, unless you *are* massive, LB.
Clever. Unconventional. Kinda cheap, too. For those of you who haven't warred them, you can't plunder them with attacks since they're all DTW or...
Support. A clan with a 50/50 EE war record should not be prestige ranked below a clan that does just EB.
Seems to me that we are taking shots in the dark when roster building. It's like playing a game of chess without knowing what the other is doing,...
Crap I didn't see they give a higher unit cap than the other 2.
Those elven thingies are the lowest CS building you can put in HF lands, at least the lvl 1. I don't see why you'd bother.
WHOOOOOOOA. Easy there, champ. I'm 83.2% certain that I was a Nate before you. I'm old. I mean REEEEAL old. I'm think that means I can n8 all I...