Separate names with a comma.
I feel the need to make a response. give me an hour to upload it.
you plant an OSF seed and ask it to open every day. it'll refuse. Then you'll throw hours of work and money at it. And ask it open. It'll refuse...
Ask PinkFury's clan
reset and get the special +% perm bonuses!
Be in a clan with Plunder wars. Set up a schedule for everyone to rotate LCing. 5-10 people should split the war tax so they all get enough to LC...
so hard to keep up with the OSF and open farm offers eh? NICE
help help help help i need someone to buy my allies. please volley with me to 3 bill YOU KEEP help help help help help i need to be a Land...
NOT EVEN 2 MONTHS after becoming an "OSF" you reset and cry about the update. WAAAAAAAHHHHHH
See what happens when you listen to a "flake"? Datomot, currently named "-dat-" went from LC BC spy with YOUR HELP and now less then 3 months...
I seem to recall someone getting banned before for posting the samething 3 times. Are you at 3 yet?
People will likely now be more careful about who they hire. No point in getting reset on right?
total possible plunder or is it another "miscommunication" and actually an increase to the total amount of allies needed to reach "max plunder cap"
So transfer bonuses are understood. Remember. No one cares about alts. its about moving as much gold as possible to the "main". That's average...
and laugh at ninja-a for cashing ou.....i mean retiring...
talk about these 3 changes. we need to get back on topic 1. The amount you earn from selling an ally will be INCREASED by more than 5%. 2. The...
damn you toasssstttttttttt
now i'm going to go log off in shame...oh my gawd.....
why bother spamming off game changing news? This is why the majority of you will never amount to anything. You whine and complain about never...
Dillybar people like you. That's ok. But since you pretty much did nothing in the all-star war and sat around so you could get an acheivement. I...