Separate names with a comma.
@ Balto. Your a naked potless farm nothing more. All you have left is forum to run your mouth on. NA destroyed you.
@ Alison. Get a life preserver. Your drowning in a sea of butthurt. Your insignificant. Your larger accts destroyed rolled up into pure spy....
@little guild hansel come noodle. It's hard find someone small enough to hit you to begin with. Want more inc ? Stop self pinning on EB. I...
Twicc he won't. He's prob in his moms basement playing with his main. $50 says its as tiny as his alt
Oh and here we frac another forum fighter who is the only one in KaW who's auto correct works 24/7 and who's AC has never replace the intended...
Players that don't have English as there first language might not understand and should be givin a break from the grammar nazis. Buy English...
For frac, and all the others on this thread and in forum, using double negative " Family clans ". You do relish that the definition of a clan...
Lmao @ Alison. You got turrets syndrome or what ? Twicc * tick * noob. New *tick* Age is handing noob *Tick* noob my ass *tick* to me...
The scary part about it is that Twicc was sober when he made this thread
Well said Tara. Btw didn't you surrender to iG's Fury a few days ago ? Outnumbered to if I'm not mistaken. Will iG be supporting there new...
When you getting spammed by multiple players waiting for you to come out of KO a lag is going to happen. It's common knowledge and has been this...
Did the poles shift or is the earth off its axis ? Global warming is now effecting The KaW Rancor wars. Somebody call Al Gore QUICK ! This...
Another thread seeking attention limp donkey ? Can't you fight without making a thread ? Tell you what. Come find me after you and luck star...
I have to say , that was the best OP I've read in quite a wile. . I've been in LSA's shoes many times. When a few stand against many. Respect...
I was going to refrain from posting this thread but ive got to comment on a former members post Ballz ,I've got to correct you when you say that...
That's right I'm coming y'all over there better run !
Another EE clan rolls over ! Gratz to A1 and his crew.
Finally the truth comes out ! op admits to a small brain ! Get out of forum and back into your cave troglodyte.
To bad your so small I'd hit you for crying in forum. Nobody here gives a damn about you or your problems. Go cry to mommy get your blankie and...
You want to take his place CK ? We always have time for 1 more farm.