Separate names with a comma.
Using exclamation points makes you seem rather defecient in cognitive functions. Then again most of your actions do not reflect any form of...
The latter phrase being quite contrary to your own behaviour as a mod.
The Lord's Last Prophet has Spokeded
Grow up Spock.
RIP Snoopy
Piece of KaW trivia. On the kaw player photos thread snoopy got caught catfishing RIP
I'm not the biggest fan of them either, but seriously, grow up you imbecile.
The 'dude' who was CGI'd was Grand Moff Tarkin. He was presumably on the first death star during it's destruction.
After reading that I feel as diabetic as Big Mac.
That makes the fact that the clan is dead even more embarrassing for said 'clan'.
Guess who can't spot rather poor jokes...
Nobody cares.
Auditory hallucinations? I think you may be in need of medical help.
Please stop existing.
Pharoh*. You are talking about Egypt right?
Hilarious and original. 9/11: points for trying.