Separate names with a comma.
Kaw, could you reduce the requirement for war, had issue to have 26 player which lead doing 1 war a week. Kindly try to reduce the requirement of...
Hahaha, zaft and warlor, weakest clan , day of judgement soon guys.
Wulf is cool and always help people as well as chongo give them the achievement
11:20 pm in dubai no item in 40 min will enter 1st of jun
Thank you, i think that is me, never cause problem and always acting nice to people thank you deve
9 pm in dubai no item
Now you are the best
I will not war in S2 its useless and waste of time
Boot is extremely bad from me, even 35% increase in boot will make it rubbish i will keep my sr boot its better
No season 2 soon let us rest and build up
I did over 40 wars so far and never complained. But to day we had been over numbered by 3, that mean 6 xstal more. We could not have chance to...
Re: Estoc Trials - Week 5 - War #3 - General Update When you will tell us about the rancer armor??
Dear deve, Its already week 5 and we have no ideia about the rancer item, i have alot of mith that i cant use since i dont know what rancer armor...
Thank you devs our match up was great, we won by small plunder keep it up
Finally, ty
Change achivment bored to a cold calling instead of mission 4
Ty devs good plunder eb
Admin really u are acting strange, most of the time you are giving us no match because we are add man out, and when did you give us match it was...