Separate names with a comma.
Re: ESTOC TRIALS SEASON 2: PRE-SEASON, Week 0 - War 1 What is the benefit of preseaone ??? No x2 mithril not fixing GH issue?? No rancer?? Call...
RH is cheater clan with abuse the system with Strong build and GH which devs dont want to fix it, i warred against them we dis x3 koed on them but...
RH is cheater clan with abusing the system with Strong build and GH which devs dont want to fix it, i warred against them we did x3 koed on them...
I dont agree, since scout is too easy and hard to track.
What about guild hansel
Bad epic for big player
Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 12 - Wars 1 Devs why you didnt change EE war to Guild hansel WAR?? Will make sense more i think
Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 12 - Wars 1 Ty for no match again, it better than un fair match. Did you do any work fixing GH issue?! Since...
I agree with Because a clan with no Lb match up with 7 Strong LB like us
Our match with night watch was un fair, they got over 7 LB player. iam ranked 33 in my clan was equal power to 78 on night watch clan, only scout...
Since you know that guild build is broken give them no match to clan that use 1/3 of theirs clan a guild hansel build maybe. Its unfair to let...
What can you do to clan that have 10 big build and 19 GH?? They got ko by over 166 time and other clan got koed by 80 and still they lost because...
Bring 1 hour war 7 min ko
Ty slayer it work, i didnt know it was an update
I have 2 iphone both have my account , i dont know how to delink it from my old iphone to start new account, could you please advice , since i...
I was checking others clans match up, it was mostly good match over all, and the amount of complain from worms is really high which i dont...
Great much over 30% match win lose within 1 bil
Dtw, dts, random ko, GH, can you explain how could this call a war?? We scan roster for whole war and put much afford to win, and you make it...
I think its bad changes
How could it be 2.5 and 7.5 signed up??