Separate names with a comma.
Doesn't matter Magee what nay Sayers say. Thank you for your tip. We have done it and it works. Nuff said
Nope MisBehave is not a resetter 1. 3 to 4 Guilds for EBs so - noobs with 1 to 2 Guilds don't steal/assassinate/scout you - adds higher plunder...
@Marijuana I can leave an EB, come back into clan, not do a thing n collect my winnings when EB is over. I've tried it. So if you haven't try it...
Fortunately Mage is correct. It's just like having your spells on you reset, and the spell is still ongoing till timer runs out after the reset....
That's okay. At least you learnt something to inform other reseters. Further to this, please be reminded your equipment items will be gone when...
Good job.... Would you kindly read Hansel's Guide to Volley Transfer... It's a very efficient way of transferring large amounts of gold with...
In fact your pots are low in quantity if not many are active in the EB, with 20 actives I'm getting only 10-20 MindScream n LocustSwarm. If an EB...
The 4 new pots, gives rise to the use of the least used building also The infamous Titan's Lair with huge Def Stats. The best Attack Build for...
Yes SirIsaac, my Alt has 36L3 SoS, but is a hybrid
Actually small players do not need to use all pots to burn 11 def pots or 9 spy def pots. I usually use just one pot, either or these 3: 1m, 2.5m...
I agree MC, as a SoS Hansel with 7 more lands to go, I was earning 38m 1st hit. I heard a Guild Hansel earned even more close to 40m 1st hit. But...
One of the reasons that Swabia isn't including team work etc in his current post is bcos a lot of iGs take on a one iG vs one full clan strategy....
What a lot people do not understand regarding the 0.02 is this.... If you check the CdG vs iG thread you'll notice Swabia saying that he has a...
Also please understand the new items being dropped in the EBs and the new pots. Initially, everyone will say... Oh... It's just 10%, you can use...
Lmao Poor MW
Well let's see a Hansel has 1 attack building the rest Spy buildings, plus requires 459b in allies to maxP... A great Hansel Killer is 1 Attack...
Btw, RedStar is a girl/lady... Not a guy. So if you errr politely approach the said lady with politeness, I'm sure she'll be able to impart you...
Lmao to sweaty balls... Nieuan. Sure you're not in the wrong thread
All I know is my main has the following: 07 CoEs 34 SoS For The Haunting: 1st 8 hits no pots 2nd 2 hits 1m pots 3rd 4 hits 2.5m pots 4th 2 hits...