Separate names with a comma.
Kill shut up you don't war
You ok?
[img] GIFSoup
-looks at title- -clicks- -wall of text- - leaves-
Get the bow No pots Ever
Test x2 [img]
Biscuit. If you want someone who can make a clan in a day and **** up someone he's the guy
You would want to buy a lot of 10bil allies
Op this would work but people volley 5bil-10k allies up
Op I don't understand this. Maybe you were speaking engrish for a second but.... It confuses me Plus. Good players strip when you sleep so if I...
0.0 scary
Once again. Another new faggot in our forums. Op, would you like to be clanless or stripped dry? Or how bout both?
Sweet mother of god meme here. Mew. You jinxed it #Suicide
Aww I laughed my ass off at that... The answer to your question is 17 but they won't change it because to many kids are already on here
Hi op, my name is eevee- and like all spammers that are noobs like you I'm going to poop on your newsfeed
Devil pull a main