Separate names with a comma.
Im petitioning my mom to add AC to the basement. It gets hot down here.
Allow kingdoms to invest in lands incrementally. That way at later stages you don't have to bank in pots or allies, which cause a loss when...
Heres an idea, conversion from aqua to inferno make it cost 1 nob per aqua converted. That way the devs can cull a little profit out of the exchange.
Thanks for running with the idea KAW!
Support, a private clan wall would be great!!
200m sorry. And I'm not doing volley drops like those that exploited the system in the past.
I'm not talking about resets, I'm talking about bot accounts placed by the devs for us to volley up that they later purge (manually or...
Nothing cool is supported for fear someone will exploit it.
Many 'bot' accounts are created and deleted daily in order to improve the low end ally market (under 200k). When these accounts are deleted the...
I don't support anything because everything can be manipulated.
I would like the ability to set some or all pots as sticky during a war so you dont have to manually select pots. How many times have you...
Sell the previously available reset items :) I know, anyone that has them will say no support.....
How dare you suggest something thats already been suggested. The forum nazis will have a field day wid you.
It would be cool to be able to filter out the clanless when buying allies.
It would be nice if the mage screen indicated items equipped. There are a couple ways to do this.
Then allow us to swap our own stuff. I want a black flag but have the components for green and red.
allow 1-1 trade of components Scrolls, wood, flag bits, etc. What could be the harm in that?
An den?
Currently kingdom view opens to highlands once its unlocked. Thats two taps and a scroll away from the forests. I completed my highland a year...
I too think they tightened the drops so that crystals are necessary to have a good shot at them now.