Separate names with a comma.
Why is there no war tax in a clan war
Why does the price of Mith keep going up for me?
I the kaw handbook by cos dillybar it says something about referral codes in forums but I can find anything to do with referral codes?
What does a bronze bar do u for u?
Where can I find out the reward for all the ebs
What does a yellow aura surrounding a persons banner mean? (I'm not referring to a pro pack)
In the forums how do u put a persons post in a gray box like avatar did to my post
How do I get nobility
What are all the ways to get mithril
@zorkay y would anyone want to be an OAF/OSF?
@l8r suckers: no
What's an OSF/OAF
In the eb with zuthmerak. What items/pots should I use to inflict damage onto the massive tentacles?
What's cs