Separate names with a comma.
"lost" (no1 knows his real name) Ak-47 w/thermal scope Is tough and barely speaks
Can some1 please rate my story
Next chapter coming soon
Yeah lol
Super bump
Can u rate mine!?! (world of war)
Can't wait to read it
Mas 18 Telekinetic power Telekinetic ability Undecided Tall, and strong. Has brown hair and appears scary. Very friendly and a good decision maker
I'm Pre ordering prestige edition
I myself haven't read it but I know a few ppl like it
Super bump
All comments please put it on the feedback
It's easy to do
Ahhhhh yes page 2
I wonder where I put my character.....
Chapter 7 I woke up slowly from unconsciousness, not sure what had happened. The air was thick with smoke and it smelled like gas. The sky was a...