Separate names with a comma.
Before this gets locked, can someone tell me how hes 4th on overall LB, do Battle wins really count for that much?
20T for a level 7 castle grants you spy quests!
The only reason i did this was cause Jacksons post got locked for lack of effort.
Re: PVP targets/farms That its unreasonable/not fair. Maybe like a 1/4th of kaw reads forums, even less would take the time to search up said...
Re: PVP targets/farms Added!
Re: PVP targets/farms Its a war game, stay in pin then
Re: PVP targets/farms Shhhhh :lol:
Re: PVP targets/farms Quivers drop when you reach 500 spell shafts. Spell shafts drop randomly from successfuly attacking/stealing from enemy...
As the title says here is a place to help out other KaWers achieve their quiver goal by posting PvP Targets or open farms for either attacks or...
Pink is at least readable
Of all the colors you picked blue. Really?
How do you get expelled?
Yoyokolomo? Not sure on name spelling but one of the best WC's ive been under the order of, as for trackers Razorgore and Hazelnuts both were very...
8, i like towers
Follows same drop table as Aqua/Inferno Event
Possibly clan records also?
Will it distributed by CS? Wouldnt quite as fair for a 100k cs player to get 1 tril compared to a 50mcs player getting 1 tril