Separate names with a comma.
Was just for illustrative purposes. Point being some minor tweaks to fight mechanics to more accurately reflect build power is the solution....
I've only ever experienced the problem in 100 man indies but the suggestion of increasing the troop loss from a top LB attack seems like a more...
A thread of half naked chicks and creepy nick cage gifs? Don't mind if I do...
This makes entirely too much sense to ever actually happen lol. Another added feature to prevent stacking would be have a min CS for each...
A healthy UAT period, like introducing changes to chaos wars for a few weeks fit users to try and provide feedback would solve this. Unfortunately...
3 opened 2 crux 1 40 Elix
Exploits show up in any game. The difference between KaW and other MMO games is that ATA does nothing about them for long periods of time then...
Curious to see how this went with war 8. Full support to OP. IMO primals would be much better than they currently are if more clans warred. We're...
Why guapo? Why!?
It said 'Choo-choo-choose you, and there's a picture of a train
Can I have some of what you're smoking?
If you don't consider the reliability of a source of information when weighing is accuracy then that is basically the definition of ignorance. But...
Where did you read that planned parenthood received government funding for the storage and transportation of the fetuses it DONATES to stem cell...
Selling for profit is illegal, recovering costs for the storage and transportation of the generic material is completely legal, which is the only...
All sources are not created equal. When some nut job that runs an already discredited organization starts another one just to attempt the same...
Full support. Sad to see this 6month old thread suggesting the same ideas people are clamoring for today.
Wow so anyone bother to read the reports from a reputable news source instead of just some you tube video that was posted by a group that has...
You're telling me 9 women can't make a baby in a month!? Head 'splodes