Separate names with a comma.
Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2) Half regen will make clans descriminate against players. The point IS to make war xstals more desirable than...
*3x straight, sry
^yes, i tried discussing this earlier. Size restrictions made sotra split into two, making a sub clan to ensure that many can war. If we all...
^in reference to recent match up of sotra v sotra folkvanger (which i am notfighting in). Just wanted to note some un-apparent side effects this...
Oh and by tightening sizes we get things like sub clans versusing main clans. And the sub clan was created because of the size restriction in the...
^what he said. Make it easier to war. No free xstals but alternative way to purchase (bargin with rl money and expensive and limited for in game...
Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2) *UPDATED* All supporters should now be updated. I spoke briefly with kaw_admin about participation here They...
Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2) Will update the supporter list soon, plus there has been another comment from kaw_admin I need to note on the...
"Please see a new thread i started to encourage participation" - wonder if kaw_admin will be replying back. I wonder what he thinks......I hope I...
@kaw_admin look at bottom of pg 10
To fix the "giving losers a prize". Make it so that the edge can reach a maximum of 50% more plunder. Then for each victory add 5% to total bonus...
So winners can achieve the max of 50% much faster than losers
Oh and you essentially said that "more" has negatice log term effects. The Estoc's edge is "more" for the losers. The loser could get a smaller...
Give small % to losers and high % to winners. Its "free lunch" but it isnt good lunch
The "estoc's edge" is another great way to encourage participation. However, this just brings the benefits higher. It does nothing to make it...
Well this is the first i have ever heard of it. I thank you, again, for a response. But a simple comment to some of these threads would make a...
I agree some things should be kept secret to excite the base BUT the war crystal (and some other ideas) dont take an extremely long time to...
Oh and to look up the specs go look at the War Crystal thread in the war section (cant link because on phone) While your at it look at some other...
I dont ask for a "free lunch", there are many ideas that have nothing to do with "more" that deal with making it easier or less "costly" to war...