Separate names with a comma.
A "sell all" option would be nice if nothing else. Although I like to keep several of whatever I'm selling just in case.
That's the way to do it southern! Lol. I was always too widdle to buy them I was almost lcbc then they came out with highlands
Oh yeah. I forgot about that. It's not that much money to spend to build another, honestly. And with equipment, you could probably get by wth a...
I know southern. But a hansel with 150k att or something isn't gonna be a huge problem. I know an osf is pure spy but I figured that's not a huge...
Yeah, this sounds a lot like pwars. Wouldn't mind hosting one myself if I actually had the hansel for it. Miss those days. Devs changed war...
Tsg with pots, man. It's possible.
Very true Alastar. I like that. I had admin once at my clan but left after a couple weeks since we don't do equip ebs for equip I already have....
Do Mercs even have strong loyalty if they're always hopping around?
Support! 1k days is a believable veteran.
Warsley8 316b Very active (in my clan and always talk to him in cc) 6m cs
No one can whoop moose's ass. They'll get a pair of antlers up theirs
Hmm. The 1v1 sounds just like pvp. But I like the concept! If you could allow teams to reserve a spot days or weeks in advance, I think the turn...
Death to the hansel
Wow. So much butthurt. Although, I do agree, change it for one build, change it for the other.
I will talk to you tomorrow. Or maybe not. I don't know lol
Oh wait, your right. Damn it I need sleep still not following you around lol
Lmao, you just had a shorter post. Yours wasn't there when I started writing mine
Umm, tsg has always dropped seals. We've had easily 50 drops in the last few months. One every couple days or so.
Same as Alastar, too many comments to read if it's already been suggested. Anyway, I feel that one of the major problems people have with ee...