Separate names with a comma.
Wonder, how that works. :lol:
4 hours.
Assuming you want hansel mechs, 12 CF's out of 49 lands at max. To still be one.
Guild Hansels have smaller stats, and make better plunder initially. SoS / Voll hansels, Have bigger stats. Take more $$ to build them too.
If you're going to smack talk, Be cohesive and use some grammar okay? Makes more of an impact. :lol:
Email support : , You can petition your case , Mention your username, game name. If it was, your 1st, or 2nd silence,...
Re: ***** Why is this in strategy? :lol:
A shield spell? :roll: It would defeat the very purpose of the game. We have the DTW/DTS mechs if a player is tired of being hit.
You can get them as drops, By doing certain epic battles. Click this for list of epic battles, and their drops. You can also buy them, Using...
Pictures are too small , can't read the font. No idea, who his main/alts are. Track his ally hires, sometimes leads to a main. :lol:
Sorry, Misread your question.
I have'nt done it personally. But from what i hear, That's what it's used for. In app purchases. I'll get an answer from someone who's already...
There's a cog like symbol on my droid, Where I disable it. Does the iPhone have it too? It has account management etc. A hansel, With 75% of...
You should be able to see the timer on you Cp, After you get matched.
The bigger stats you see in your profile. Is your raw stats, Like 86,000,000 attack. The stats you see in others profile, Is their Bonus to...
They are actually connected. You're CS is the smaller figure, The Bonus to allies ones. While the bigger figure is your raw stats. Now take...
HLBC T5 spy with 25 volls, Would make more in the end. But at a huge build cost. So GH has a higher VFM, And takes ~50b to BC. :D
LEGi0N . :lol:
Well, you chose to EB grind to get HLBC :lol: 239k wins, wonder where the bulk of it came from. :roll: I'll give you that, the T5 Hansel is a...