Separate names with a comma.
5 spy def towers 1 Coe 43 SOS 1 Castle So I can farm the **** out of people, and with a small chance of being stripped
I enjoy run on sentences too.
@spy Arent those like $12.99 at wal-mart?
Nah if I was silver i would farm crow too. Got my support silver
But now here's my real tip: Keep guilds until t5 is released then upgraded from guilds straight to t5. Save yourself a trillion gold
As long as you aren't a straight up eb fairy... SOS are better.
Well it's obviously going to be an item for a future eb like the sickle is... Quit getting your panties in a bunch people.
@wordwaster Oh sorry I was unaware they now sell Kingdom at war items at convenience stores. My bad bro, you're so right.
Quit whining it's free stat boost...
It practically gives you it 75% of the time. Don't complain lol.
Roses are red, Violets are blue Poetry is gay, And I'm to damn lazy to finish this poem
Lol noob
Almighty wants to fight me? Is this a joke?? Lol
Mango.. Op is just an attention whore who wants to act tough. He would really never waste more than 5 actions not hitting his eb.
Sounds retarded, just pick a target. What's the point of a 1v1 with willing participants.
Mmmmm pizza rolls