Separate names with a comma.
Not really. New players could still be volleyed by lower than 20m cs players. And discouraging strips is Even More efficient if the statless...
I agree with op. A Solution would be prolly a restriction in minimum hire-cost related to the buyers size. For example a 20m cs player shouldnt...
A huge Rush for allies is about to Start right now! Be prepared! I am sure many others have realized that the allie market is going to move...
Im Not sure yet. Looks less exclusive due to indies instead of rounds. The good point is that almost all have the Same chance to succeed. The...
Ok here is my built: Lls: 24xsos3 1xcastle3 Hls: 23xvol3 2xvol4 Fls: 1xelven Temple10 17xunkari icetree2 1xunkari icetree1 Als: 7xcult4 I...
Seems true to me. The plunder probably can be ignored but there is still like almost 50% more dmg you do per unload Exactly this is why i...
This is just a Report about a strange issue i realized: since i explored my latest new land in fls and put a unkari icetree lvl1 i actual Face...
Nice work. Thx for the Info.
I think it should be dependent on why the player got silenced. If it was because of some Trivia it should be limited. If someone really did some...
Full Support. Very Nice though Not a new idea. I did hire many allies by mistake just by clicking the wrong button in hurry ;)
Well it depends heavily on which kind of war we are talking about. Ee-wars or osw?
If you are really just hot for equipment which is understandeble then try to make the "good ebs" which drop more than just 1 item like fod tgl gs...
Dear devs. Of course almost all players love it to get More Gold, better and more equipment and all this stuff. But i also fear that all of those...
P.s. Read ibeatppls guide. It will probably help.
Unless you wanna do ee-wars as a pure gh you should explore fls. It just gives you better stats and plunder for Good money. Just check whats...
@ Eric I just use it on Excel and it works perfect! What do you mean with buying?
Its a strange myth that Guild-Hansels make more Gold than Big . This is just Not True. A fully Build hlbc Hansel makes alot more cash! Anyone...
Hey guys! Alot of usefull answers - thx alot! @ magee Very usefull hints. According to your awesome eq-collection i assume you got a lot of...
Hi all. This goes out to experienced and war-hardened hansel-players. In fact i have 2 questions about T6 and warring: 1. Now that we have 75...