Separate names with a comma.
Well not going as far as prevent post on forums I think people should know when to stop, making fun about cancer for kali or familial loss for...
Kali-manacor dont feel like justifying yourself, op just lock the thread and leave the op. I think nobody in the world would like to experience...
Leave the op alone, have some respect for someone suffering for cancer
support if you need room you can always remove the battle leaderboard and its effect on the overall lb But keep the value lb so we can who is...
Maybe bcz nobody want to spend 6 crystals on their alt
Dont have the time ? look at takuni's ludicrous amount of hit on eb what's the point of allt his? Redstar could hit 100 people on the lb no spell...
Thanks for the answer all clear now. Tsss crybaby ??? Hardly. I am the one doing pvp and asking myself why others dont. That would be all i dont...
Noob lb, this is supposed to be a war game, what's the point of upgrading and building bfa if you dont war ?????why play this game at all ???? why...
True, that's why static should only go up to level 1 one banner last two would be for top 10 and top 100
Like many of you I have been looking for a new banner for some times but i find it hard to get the event one without dropping a few seals or...
Plz developpers make it 2000 warworn to get the first banner so f2p can have a chance at it
1st of april was a week ago, a little late to make joke thread
Support Though the juggernaut concept could be improved the idea is great. Kaw has become a little pointless, too many bc eb fairies hitting the...
Ok I understand how hard it is to find good allies on the market so i decided to create a thread where i will post huge underpriced allies owned...
Suppport Ind match mechanics have recently been changed and not or the best Since top 10 lb are probably the ones spending the highest amount of...
Yeah devs please restore the old dropping rate
I fully support the Op, if people involved dont want incs from players outside osw stay out of battle list. In other words dont cast the pvp...
Lol fairy lb
Full support
Support, add another level to make it look like a REAL CASTLE