Separate names with a comma.
There isn't an inflation of gold in the game. That argument is tired and played out. What there is are people buying accounts and volleying...
Lol grow weekend. I'll be honest, 50% eb's weren't the first thing that popped into my head
That's where you're completely wrong Val. First, it def wasn't for minimal profit. I was making more than some people where when max xtal'ing....
Why do you keep trying to turn this into what I do Val? You said... No you can't. Even with all your alts you can't take me past 1/2 bar....
Begs us to strip him, immediately ran out and bought up all his alts to reset on me if I didc'mon Val at least be real with forums. 4 hits...
Well Seth, sometimes a girl needs to learn her lesson :),
Poor delusional val"yes I can" No you can't nOob. We have gone over this plenty of times. You try, you fail. Then I farm your accounts again....
I also second Wanderer being the best farmer ever.
Lies!!! You can't pin me even with all your alts. I farm your accounts at will, full barring and half barring them each time, and you get to...
I love farming OP. I farm this acct, his other Val accts.... Hell if I knew all Val's accts I would farm them all.
I've gotten free name changes from devs. You just have to be smart in how you ask for them. Gimme gimme gimme probably won't work, but a well...
Umm, horrible analogy. Charlie sheen is one of the coolest, richest ppl. He partied so much he got fired and in turn made 100 million dollars....
Lol @ another kid who has never actually had a real relationship. Any man who has ever had a live in girl friend would know that no female likes a...
Mom won't allow you to tack posters on her wall?
Or not like you, judging by the inc Again with the logic...
Thanks dr Phil, I'll take that advice to heart
Oh the inc I've been giving for days? Lovely how you take inc for days, as per the post asking why on my wall, and assume it's because of a post...
Maybe some of us just want to watch the world burn
@ kezzer- you've lived with her two years and she doesn't flip when you play video games. Yea, sorry to be the one to inform you, but she's...