Separate names with a comma.
Lmao the lb rage. We all fail ebs sometimes. No need to cry its just a game. Expecting devs not to mess up a new type of event? You know them...
And ee not dropping dew? Shame on you devs trying to kill ee at every turn :-\
Save your nobs. The gold sucks. The eb is hard. Idk about the drops yet but cant justify the money spent. Stick to hte if you must throw money at...
Something different yay. Oh wait....
Need 15k for tier 6 now? Please tell me thats a mistake. If not for shame devs :-\
Two eq at once is a nice change though :-) would be nice if you tried a new kind of event though. Maybe a CLAN BASED event to promote loyalty not...
Edit nm saw wrong lol. Carry on ;-)
Surprise surprise more of the same lmao
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Allow me to translate. Bc still have lots of money to throw at us, but little inventive to do so. Although...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! RIP kaw. Totally off the deep end now. What's next? New levels in a month once bc are "bored" again? This is the...
About time! Far too long are clans/ individuals openly warring for event items regardless how it ruins the fun for the rest who actually want to war.
Tbh i came here to complain about yet another pay to play eb. After reading the thread was pleasantly surprised. First increased 2k event rewards...
Shouldn't feed your dog chicken bones. Thats common sense :-P
The one hit pot is a ridiculous idea. Lowering plunder on eb and increasing that one pot and saying it makes it more fair just as silly.make it...
Idk how thid thread turned into a plunder/ size gap thread. Really want to know why this eb has no eq/ lotl eq bar, and why it only drops inferno....
So no resonator eq, and the eb only drops event items and inferno? That cant be right can it?
Well as much as I hate ll wars no way devs are going to change the structure of the season. I really don't want to miss out since I haven't ll war...
Ps leak much worse than ps1. Your open to inc whenever you have gold out. Since you cant full bank at marketplace you will leak a min of 1 troop...
I want indi in the mix too.but your broken sword not helping to inspire confidence in indi wars lmao