Separate names with a comma.
The rich get richer as always, they get all the best stuff might as well reward them with an ungodly amount of gold also. Shame shame shame. Might...
Hit for 16hrs a day, had sword 65/72hrs, no xstals, no shields and only was ranked 768. So on that note top 500 not as easy as u think. Made some...
Hmm only quoted part of that but all of it is there lol, guess you'll have to look n decipher mine from his
It would help the event, see if the winners all the same person They was not the same person. I'm pretty sure of that. #1 was Punch. How many...
Showing the lb would make lb constantly changing and be a way more nail biter to see who gets the top spot. #1 bein farmed yes or all of top 10...
Only thing I'd change is bein able to see who's on the lb, want some real action n ppl complaining, OPEN THE LB UP DURING EVENT. No need for a lb...
I think it's funny that ppl talk about the lb, I'm guessing none of y'all looked at lb and someone had 7k roses or 7 garland(same thing) with in...
Only thing I'd change is being able to see the lb. That would make things real interesting for lb as everyone would be hitting them to hopefully...
I think idk him, check that one off the list
I don't think release of lands or buildings is the problem, it's the cost of the lands and buildings that's the problem, started with t4. Seems...
FYI kezz, the more bfa u have the less gold u make, so that's not in the equation
Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction If devs make HTE not drop all components needed for promos that could help with mixing up...
Primal and round wars should both go IMO. Round wars are set for lb/spy and primal are set for spies. I think the 2 need to combined and be called...
Go find a neutral ground after school and settle your dispute.
Idk about the rest of Kaw but I think it's the same as anything else on Kaw and leans toward hansels or spy heavy builds. Ill get 2-3 drops with...
Sorry if u want the event shortened ur just a wuss if u do. What's this the 3rd pvp event? It's nice to see ppl in osw get a lil bonus from the...
Sorry I'm off topic a bit but pw's started because of t4 release. T3 only cost 1.3bil and the t4 was 24-26bil, can't remember exactly since they...
Box of cereal, gallon of milk, big ass bowl. Pour cereal into bowl then add milk to desired level. No cooking necessary and your good to gogood...
I'm pretty sure Garfield is teja, I think original teja account that was lb was reset but I could be wrong. Garfield is now gone from BH and at...
U use more spies coz u have more spies, notice when u ug an ATK building u get more trps+u lose more trps per hit