Separate names with a comma.
I appreciate all the support I’m receiving on this thread!!! The thing is.. I use tokens for plates not for aqua/inferno...but I agree, tokens...
Hello Developer Team and the KaW community!! I’d like to make another suggestion. I’m sure I’m not the only one that would agree on this but.....
Imo I want a clan event that’s solely pvp based. Bring back kaw’s roots.
🙊🌚deals deals deals
They finally did it 😎 and a moon throne. Thank you so much devs
This^ 👍🏻
L Lmao lies 🤣 he wants an ape pet just as bad as me! Don’t let him fool you!
I made the suggestion for it back in early February. I hope more people support this because it would be awesome if they actually implement this idea!
Nooo ape first! We can give him a mask! That would be hilarious! 😂🦍🙊
Hi developers & the rest of the KaW Community!:):p I have submitted a ticket with regard to the creation of some sort of an ape-like pet. The...
Support ban of bigdog and his alts (@ichaos) etc. etc.. has always been very rude to me
On god
Literally my point exactly. This will tip the scales in favor of ppl who pay to play your game. Huge Advantage.