Separate names with a comma.
Nice job
Oh yay
Good job! Keep at him girls:p
Yess! Kill him! Then u can actually use my character, rather than an extra in a smidge of my characters past..
But Athens was
yay irin
Nice chapter tho
zaln.. I give up on u..
Lol @ webs.. I'll help... @zalalalalalalalalalaln Aww y not? :evil:
:0 i like it! Keep it up:)
That sux feather.. And me and bob are phisically the same person. But i have a... Split personality. So you have to get to know me twice.....
Zaln nothings wrong.. Uh.. Er.. Yea..
-the i
Just curious.. Can i call u Zalalalalalalalalalalalalalin?
That was longer than it felt lol
Well this is gonna be the first chapter.. Gah A man walked into a room. A seemingly normal man.. Into a seemingly normal room... With a...
Prologue* lol
Zaln fron page 22-_______- u asked what i meant by like u.. Well from then till now explains what i meant..