Separate names with a comma.
You're the best storyteller Ashes!
Looking for the free crystals to accompany the free circles
Please make Legends available to PC users!
I guess it would be nice for PC users if they haven't left the game already over the the Legends debacle ...
Please come up with a workable format for PC of my best friends is leaving the game after 6 years of makes me incredibly sad...
We just recently got a new off hand piece of this really gonna go into that slot?
Empowering Kralmora Scale vs Selona Empowering Favor? Are they different things for enchanting equipment tiers?
"your stealable favors will be converted to non-stealable favors within 24 hours of opting out" this thread under Opting Out of PvP
Re: Orisons of Glory - Part 8 (STARTS 3PM PDT) If the event started at 3pm PDT (50 minutes ago) I think the event timer is off...
Ashes, we need a "I got sharked T-shirt" please!
Will opals of labour in excess of 1800 rollover to the next period?
I read that contents of Mariner's box are equal to or could exceed 25 nobs. I opened one (by accident!) and it contained 9 Mariner Charms which...
Re: Cycle of Flames Returns Blaze Undying Ring Changes What will the maxed stats be now please?
Hey Charlie! Does this mean the owls will BW in the marketplace soon? I'm on iOS...and will the vote timer be restarted?
I can see the oracle queen key, but I must say it can be difficult. Too many old items are present....clean up needed!
I see Kingdoms at War-Hardcore RTS and also Kingdoms at War: Strategy Reborn...which one is it?
Great story never disappoint me!
I have this one stuck in my head and apologize in momma don't like you and she likes everyone
I'm thinking Gilligan, but he wasn't the captain...there was a "skipper" but I don't know he was ever called anything else