Separate names with a comma.
Either you pay off in gold, or if you pay as indicated in broncebars, but then please 125%!
Re: [UPDATED] Tier 6 Level 4 Lol. I'm not amused. I've gone from #76 to # 85
If you not answer (look page 4), fore which are this place❓❓
War5 will begin fore me at 9:00pm. When must I leave my clan❓ 5:00pm ore 7:00pm ❓
I am not 100% sure. But I think my queatzal equips became no new stats
Now I lost my spy trupps. Ty fore help
After regenereted trupps I attacked epicbattle and it comes text " not enough units" and I lost the trupps ❗️❗️❗️❗️Please help
Lol Increased❓❓One drop in four daysI hope next year I can the first enchant
I think so too Prince wraith
I've taken more then 200 aqua and many more then 200 inferno and coudn't get level 10 rime moth"No chance" not really makes me happy Some fail...
Re: Double Notices
I found nothing❗️❓❗️❓
Good Idea. But I can't see the message and my translater can't translate "relaunch". I started the game new, but nothing. Please help
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt! Last eb haunting the escape, I became 8 aqua but no moth and no gold ❗️❓❓❓❓
Re: Join the Ice Moth Hunt!