Separate names with a comma.
And some green eggs if you play your hand right ;) I feel as though kaw needs more Batman.. Preferably the Adam West one.. He's...
Eh bud, you sure don't say much..
I definitely don't identify sexually as a werewolf, Gender speaking I am a manbot, but I'm attracted to unicorns and short balding fat men.. Big...
Well I'm out.. Enjoy that
This guy.. No idea what he's missing
Yeah the cat fish is overpowering the rum ham.. Speaking of rum ham
Howl for me.. Do it
What's that kid rock song? Werewolves of Alabama? We should all sing that and get furry with it.. Furries
You're not very good at this Rp thing are you?
Forget all that, the boat is here, it's time to RUM HAM!!!
Re: For those who sacraficed Thanks Murica..
I knew I loved you rum ham.. I mean Fred... Let's blow this pop stand
Oh compromise time.. Can I be Jack Nicholson? Who wants to be teen wolf?...
Apparently nobody is ready for my rum ham..
No no I think they chase sexy vampires around and try to form a super race of lycapires or vampcans.. Or some such nonsense.. Sounds like fun a better love story_e76a39_5192605.jpg Rum ham Rp?