Separate names with a comma.
I'd Cream if Daphers Stalked me... <3
So far, Centurions post makes the most sense, Id be ok with that, I personally think that Favors should be gained by winning attacks AND defends...
No one? None at all? Really? Even the trolls were sleeping? >>
Re: Leaked Info About The Kaw Developers FALCON PUNCH Q...('-'Q)
Here's a Q from a 2 year old newb. If we can get Imperial Favors from Attacking or Stealing successfully from other players, why can't we also...
A seal walks into a club. ... O.O... ...
I care about Wolfie o: A LOT O:
My clans not a B2B HTE clan. We may currently be doing one, and do them on occasion etc etc, buy we aren't B2Bing them xD
I'm barely trying (Guild Hansel) and I'm about to break my goal of 600 ( o-o)
Yes ^
I can finally say I agree. Dear god that doesn't exist. Someone finally made a thread that wasn't low thought out crap. Anarchy, I commend you...
Don't be rude to the new one. This games already gone downhill enough on its own, no need for the player base to help that. And while its true...
1) Its not a secret, so stop labeling it as such 2) I've been doing this for a while now just to get all the pro packs without paying a dime to...
I didn't think anyone wouldn't get this... Then it happened...
Aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaa x'D
Growing up with the iTeam as iJaxons secret son. Those were the days.
Whoops, accidentally submit xD Anyways. Just because its become a trend in wars to Crystal, doesn't mean its a bad thing. If we apply a crystal...
I fully support a crystal counter. While its true that this isn't a pay to play game, it has pay to play features and some people need to come to...
Yeah, I'd have to agree that the teen years and hormones are vastly responsible for this myth. As a grown man, I can honestly say making love is...
I don't hate you for your words, they don't mean anything, due mainly to the fact that they're false.