Separate names with a comma.
Please ask in PM. Don't derail
Support 100x over
So what do us who were in the clan since it reopened get? Huh? No thought to us? Ridiculous if you ask me
You honestly need to shut the hell up. Your a statless noob who got kicked from Foxes for bringing issues to the clan. We said deal with or leave...
To clarify what we all want. As one of the admins of Foxes, who has spent Seals/Compasses/ Circle Pieces and Horns inside the clan, activately...
They are stupid. A lot of our players were old foxes who messaged to come back to KaW because we were reopening foxes. That grew their player base...
This is what Just happened. They clearly could not give two damns about us...
Who remembers when Talons of Carnage wasn't originally names that? :lol: oh boi that was gold with the abbreviation
When yarmes went on a silence spree :lol:
Who you calling Little? :moonface: There's more than just little people here, and you know what? Who cares?! We can grow them and teach them and...
I love how OP changed the name of Thread so now my comment looks stupid :moonface: This thread was originally called "KaW Cypher" btw for those...
Re: Kaw cypher 2017!!! Isn't there already a 2017 one?!?? :geek:
I felt the normal red was a bit to bright for my eyes, although it was midnight when I made it, that could be why :lol:
Damn you caught us out?!? :roll: Thank's for the support everyone️
WELCOME TO Who are we? We are the brothers and sister...
You were above me. I hit you. It's the aim of game. Get over it. Also fyi, I don't see anywhere stating we only had to hit once? So here take...
You need more towers :moonface: 6/6 attk np :lol: