Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for the feedback, I don't think Devs will do any compensation, nor will they look into this problem in the future.
If you want to put together an ass roster, go ahead and find 12 random ps and 3 tanks. Or would you rather war from home clan with 12 of your...
Devs please give us feedback as to why two clans can be 10-15m CS apart and not match. But two clans can be 400m CS apart and match? It seems this...
The Issue With Match Making The clans "Shark infested Water's" matched against "Death 0n The Battlefield" Most of you think. "No big deal" If you...
@ Kaw_Com Are the PvP Blitz going to be the same as the last?
You always nagging and complaining about everything. You don't like what they're saying get off the thread. Simple enough.
Attack 4/4 np
They have 5 minutes at the start durp.
5 years and only 65k battle wins? You mustn't be doing this right...
Go back and ask em if you can use your old phone for a few minutes.
Someone a little butt toasty?
Being one of the other shouldn't have made me jump 1k spots.
I think the same thing happened for allies, I'm normally between 3,000-3,200. With no Allie purchases for a few weeks I'm now 1,920.
You don't even EE get off this thread
Ur mah gurd a frog . :lol:
Max xtal or seal on HTE.
If you think about the bigger picture, those of you that are complaining about there not being enough pvp, or the pvp is boring. Anytime there is...