Separate names with a comma.
*grabs xbox 360, ps3, and wii plus a few games*
Re: KaW Village *visits Reg's castle* woah diz iz teh kewlest!!! *runs around castle* w00t!!!
Wutever I treat as a game coz if it was real I'd start making some relationships
I know in fact dis whole thong iz a game if u haven't realized
Re: KaW Village Ya lol
*deciding whether I shud 4give Reg 4 last night* well I don't gain anything from fighting, so Reg I'm sry I started destroying stuff last night...
Re: KaW Village Omg RPs r like drugs I can't get off dem!!!
*move on someone
I iz mad coz I missed my chance 2 make a move in someone... And I haz a lot of hw
So u shud give it 2 me
I gave it 2 u and now I want it back.
K now I want it back
U were teh 1 who started 2 try 2 take over teh village and palace!!! Isn't pie land enough 4 u?
Re: KaW Village Lol
Join teh RP's!!! Join us!!! (_)
*also think o hw 2 give 2 Reg*
*goes 2 lab only I can access* *thinks of a way 2 gat KaW village back from evil reg*
Re: KaW Village Cutie pi u can post ur eggs here it's fine with ne
Re: KaW Village It's not fair I have so much homework!!!