Separate names with a comma.
And a kid hit a full court shot, and we all know him as
Oblivion, the end.
Serious* good luck becoming rich if u can't even spell serious right.
The last one is easy, only if u have 1 week with no work of school. And u have incredible luck when u do 'Trial and Error'
8/10 To many RaNdoM CaPs
I joined a fewer days ago and got LL auto unlocked
Take out Ebs for a year And implement the old side of KaW which was fun
Granted, and then u live for 99 years and 364 Days. On second thought I want to be a developer and especially an ape.
Just lemme screenshot this for if you request for mod sometime :D
Oh I took it wrongly, lol sorry bout that! :D
Granted. But then u realise ur a real person and u were made from a different mum and dad, and that ur a boring no life's weirdo. My wish is...
He was saying the the spelling of colour is only spelt 'color' that's what my point is
Or if they ally is hired by yourself twice or more U don't have to confirm it?
Australian writing is 'Colour' not color.
But I do support the idea of making the price to create a clan 250b - 500b
You could still just make a heap of Alts, say example 10, that's 20 clans that could be made, then make clans for yourself, no matter what happens...
Actually pigeon tastes like pigeon, believe it or not...
I used to play ages ago, 2009ish lol then I got bagged for a solid 5 months so I quit and started last year where I quit again and here I am now,...