Separate names with a comma.
Invalid argument because demon is nub
This pretty much sums it up
Lol what is this clan Bruh just quit kaw now
Hey cool story bro, it’s not like all of KaW went through the exact same thing you did. But you don’t see 10,000 different forums posts complaining
You have a ML banner, and you were in KOTFE two days ago...what’s going on lol
Do ppl just ignore all the lb accounts that joined Chaos Reborn in a one week time span? Post on your main coward...calling other ppl fools lol
Are you going to pull a Killer_Instinct and ask to have all your buildings and stats back?
Ricky too strong #quantityoverquality
LL wars will never be the same without baljeet spamming 50 different ppl for war RIP
Mike is pleb, disregard his opinion
Isn't iG older lol?
Your right they don't check it's because it's not used anymore...need to send a help ticket
Isn't that what your clan is doing?
That's with it crybaby
Didn't realize fatality became ffa...but ok kid...only times I went to ffa is when you begged me to war with you
Do you not understand how bad you are?
Ur bad at war anyway
-Whythen-, a long time member of -Warlor- suddenly leaves, changes his name, and joins a random clan; at the same time xSky changes his name and...
I chuckled at this