Separate names with a comma.
Beyoncé tenderly licked my
Re: Cyber Monday Spectacula Like what? And if you're such a protester, why wimp out on us now?
No, I'm not saying that. Just saying taking a defeatist attitude has never helped anyone.
Agree with Delphin. Who gives a crap about some NFL team during Grey Cup weekend? moose is a traitor to his country.
Basically ATA is doing very little to give us warring seasons. They could very well give us three a year like they used to. Instead they throw...
@chocolate A good thing is not a requirement. Kate Upton giving me a lap dance would be a good thing. Is she required to do so? No, she isn't.
Re: Cyber Monday Spectacula Defeatist. Perhaps the Jews should have willfully gone to the Gas chambers cause protesting it wasn't gonna change...
@chocolate You guys are too vague. Politeness is not a prerequisite to constructiveness. Either way, why must a person be polite if the...
Actually Kezzer, I was annoyed that when I opened the app, the devs had a notice there was a "half-price sale", but when I bought them, they were...
Thanks Spartan. But seriously, give just a little bit of constructive criticism towards ATA and then some of these mod wannabes start crapping...
Get off your condescending high horse already. Are people COMPLAINING it's a money grab it merely STATING it is a money grab? Cannot a person...
No thoughts. Go CFL.
Who were the critics that acclaimed your book?
Apple. Android are just for the poor peasants.
Taxing us when we bank is a way the devs try to control inflation and power creep by syphoning off gold in the game via banking taxes. Pots are...
Actually if you are loyal, it is possible to go through manager training at McD and get a better position. They often hire and promo within.
At that rate Cyn is going to get big quick.
Go for it OP! Don't mind the haters! Kick that little noob's ass.