Separate names with a comma.
Banned because you want to cook a giant turtle with canons on his back for soup. I mean seriously who wants giant metal canons in their soup???
Banned because you got your hummer impounded
Each tier of equipment from events looks the same so I don't know where you have been
Baned bkaus u kan spel
Try both
A. Not really the place to post this B. You want high stat admins but you're tiny C. Recruitment threads require more effort
Banned for Banning to many people
Banned because you didn't combine ice cream and cake to make ice cream cake which is the best
Banned because you think pie is better than cake
Go to mage and swipe left. Then you can transmute equip Into permanent charms that don't take up an equip slot but, will have less stat bonuses
Main hand, we already got off hand equip 2 events ago.
That's some sexy looking equip devs
How do you gave 50 years experience? The game has only been out 7 years.
I would like to sign up
Ohhhh idk carry on with my life maybe?
STP drops powder
Don't worry you mentioned spending money so I'm sure the devs will fix your problem in no time.
Eb 6 PvP 4 EE 4 Overall 5
You do realize people chose not to participate right?
Re: OPT IN NOW: Summer 2017 All Star Wars Will Spragga be participating?