Separate names with a comma.
No refund? I know you get some money back, is it 66%? Lol If i sale a building that costed me 10b to build how much will I get back?
So t4 has already been sliced in half? Are you saying a buildings refund is 50%?
Has t4 been cut in half already? If not how much do you get back if you sell your buildings?
My 1000 post for my favorite thread in my two years and 7 months of playing! Long live Modern Republic Forever and ever! CRUSH N DESTROY!...
Fail! Lolol
It's a 24 hr. war at some point they will be sleeping as well. It's fair only the ones who are willing not to sleep will win.
What rank is IT currently? Other clans are doing this too. Including ZAFT Destiny.
They should cost a set price for everyone and it should be more than anyone could possibly make an unload 10b. For this idea to have my support.
I'd say like 5-10b a crystal. so it'd be unwise to get crystals but if you wanted to strip someone you could.
Me lol And like 300 players? Lol
What about W.A.R.?
The Hollow
People have always looked for easy way to make gold since i joined dec 22,2012they only hit off battle list when all the inactive farms were...
Why didn't you wall a mod if you only wanted a mod response?
These aren't real wars though, so why should you get items for it?
As clans lose prestige they give up on making play offs so they don't join in the final wars.
You just need to be in top 8 by end of week 8 still time.
Sign up faster next time? Lol
People should spend their money on what they enjoy, if that happens to be this game no shame in that. :)
I'm sure they're making enough money without the addition of t5... People are finally starting to war, but now with t5 people who are playing...