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Still don’t understand why it’s still considered a 9 plus game and censored when some of the dev promos are 100$ Censorship and premium don’t...
Has anyone tried unplugging him and then plugging him back in again?
Especially since on Black Friday you sell timed crux chests with you know TIMERS so there’s that too
Love censorship in a freeium game
Don’t tell me how to live my life
War equipment would partially fix ee and give incentive to war but the devs would have to solve pc vs mobile device users to completely fix it
Did franky quit cause he waited til the very last war before his ee5 ran out and got no Match? If that’s true he’s just a cry baby fairy and...
They likely are not reading this nor would revamp the pots menu,probably for the better don’t need the servers crashing again
I’d really rather have less of a load screen time then legends event format.
Starting a mars is flat movement soon as well