Separate names with a comma.
Oh no. My feelings. On a game. Next ill blow all my money on xtls and seals, sell all my allies and bars, add 10mil sdt, then join Zaft. Ill fit...
I'm scared of the generation who can't spell the word "you"
Larry still whining on this thread? Would think the first 300 posts of bs on the other thread was enough to satisfy his ego.
Best of
Oooo I wanna know
:mrgreen: At least you got something right
You forgot about 20 bb codes
Respect to those ZAFT that actually hit. Personally all my inc is from Fury so you guys have my respect (Plus Ubberto :lol: damn bro. Do you sleep...
Im not a friend of either of the quoted but I agree with Chubbs
Top 5000?... that was literally a joke to get to... Edit: Ahhh... PvE. Never mind.
Congrats. You can pull a Chaos/Vamp trick. And where, may I ask, are you at on this eve- Oh wait.
Ironic that the spam thread is about a bird... And Eagle hasnt locked it yet.. Loominahtee
:lol: Disqualified. Darn. What ever will I do?
There are 20 "posts" there. By quoting your post in my post, Im including my post count in my post along with your "posts" in your post. The next...
[img] I cant really compete with Willy
The mod who locks this thread
Must be really fun xtling on Vamp huh?