Separate names with a comma.
Since always! One glass, no more no less. It was probably about 1 unit, maybe 2 if I'm unlucky.
And just what are you getting at there?
It was only one fricking glass of brandy. Big whoop, maybe a little incoherent, but I can type, talk and walk in a straight line. That consists...
Can I just start with the fact that the one by SirKD is a complete rip of the title of the Kingdom Hearts game for PSP, which is titled. "Kingdom...
To whom it may concern, How is it going? In case you haven't heard or can't read, I am InsaneParadox. But this is probably the last you'll see me....
Ditto Cheese. I'm just writing up my leaving post. Should be gone by tomorrow.
With an attitude like that I'm hardly surprised.
We plan to name our first album 'Overly Creepy and Proud' xD
So basically I've joined a band with least suspicious song titles but the some really creepy and strange lyrics. Such as a song titled 'Candy'...
The idiot who thinks I'm not accepting an apology…
You seem really 'hard'. Do you want me to start speak your native tongue of 'chav' or do you feel like a good boy?
Eeyup, gg starts for good game. As in, "That was a good game of football." Or, "GG team." Or my personal favourite, "GG no re."
IP makes me think of an IP, so no. And you can prove yourself by not being a pain by bumping dying threads, dead threads and role play threads....
I'll forgive you when you deserve forgiveness. I do enjoy the compliments but if you just persist to be a pain then why waste more forgiveness....
I got that much.
Well that was an uneventful week in France. Who died in my absence? And Kat, I am :D I managed to sneak a laptop into France and have so far...
Ditto. Leave. Now.
At long last, we overcame our commitment issues! Ta daaa!
Chapter Two, Part One-- Cafés, are, like, so in right now. A note from the mysteriously missing Candi: Hi. :D A note from the mysteriously quiet...
Precisely why no likes you.