Separate names with a comma.
You can get 100 medals and lose every war. Do 50 wars -50, top 3 in all 3 bonus catagories +150. Net +100
I take it since we would be stuck in clan for up to 3 days there will be no eb's running in order to buy pots,mith, etc
Indi wars have always been round format
Why dont the devs just limit 1 account per ip address. This will mostly eliminate moles. Also peeps that arent moles just trying to legit war a...
Sora i have accounts of all sizes. I stay small cause i enjoy warring with this build the most. And ill say it again. I plunder 20mcs for 61-70m....
Keep saying it sora and it will become fact. I plunder 20mcs for 60-70m and i payout 61-65m. So like i said any player with bfa is an exploit. If...
Not sure if people realize but the devs have adjusted payouts based on amount of bfa. I payout to a 20mcs player(my size adjusted for bfa) the...
Why should devs allow ps1 primal exploit wars and not allow sh/lb round exploit wars? Only 2 solutions. 1. All indi 2. Fix exploit round...
Support. Indi wars are fun and generally competitive. I would not make an xtal requirement. Often times you have no need to xtal. Also there's...
To help with recruiting i propose that there should be an opt in to s5. Then devs create database of peeps opted in but not yet in a war company....
Tgis would be a good idea if devs randomly selected the war company to eliminate rhe lb/sh stack
Make them 1 hour wars. 2 hours is too long. Also war company needs to be bigger. Id say 40 would be better
Why doesnt someone roster a clan to beat all ssh roster. Hint 15 accts of mini tanks 3/8/1/6 or someone close would give them a good match