Separate names with a comma.
you did lie. it is a rant about the devs. it isn't a rant directed AT the devs, but it is still a rant and it is about the devs.
i never said that they would make the same amount of gold. i was trying to illustrate that spreading a large amount of gold among a large...
you're an idiot.
if one person makes quadrillions in gold in a matter of hours, that makes the game unbalanced. but if everyone makes a 100billion gold, then that...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! he made more than that. and that was only in that one clan. he was hopping from one clan to another to avoid...
if everyone outside the top 10k xtalled with prolific plunder, estoc, br, both crux, and the anniversary crux on a zta, that wouldn't equal the...
wow. a free xtal. :roll:
anyway, i think the devs got my point about the deletions just making things worse. so feel free to lock this and ban me.
they weren't moved in error, daph. everyone knows why they were deleted. and it wasn't the moderators doing it.
why are you so desperate for attention? and before you say anything: they weren't deleting my threads. this was the only thread i made.
so it wasn't a dos? it wasn't an attempt to fix the huge mistake they made with the new level stats? it was incompetence? this is me not...
well they weren't fixing the stat glitch
plenty of people will quit. i quit after the hoarfrost and the abyss. i wasn't around for the release of the new lands (because i hadn't yet...
a glitch. neat. couldn't test the building stats because i only spend a measly $60 a month on this game. not nearly enough to be up there...
he is almost 100 times my size now. i'm ranked 5259 on the lb i don't feel like laughing.
8billion cs. i think i'm going to end up quitting over this.
ata has an ACTUAL policy about not allowing those drama filled threads anymore. one of many, many, many bad decisions they have made in the past...
as i said before, "ofc its the devs, i wouldn't talk to the mods that way".
i swear to kawd, grant. if that post delete was supposed to be a joke, i'm not laughing.
not going to complain when this one is removed. but most of the others were perfectly valid.