Separate names with a comma.
Look. We know he is a mollusk, and isn't phylum what really matters?
Mouth is in totally wrong place for an octopus. But squid don't have teeth, and some octopus do, so....wait...why am I discussing the order of a...
41minutes since last forum post... Remember when the top post on active topics was never more than a few minutes old? Pepperidge farm remembers.
It's the latest trend. All the cool kids are doing it. If your thread title isn't a slightly altered version of another thread title in at, you...
No where in this was the squid hospitalized. False advertising. I demand a refund.
I'm curious about how many aqua they have actually sold. I know I never bought any. The price really is insane and I've never personally run...
don't buy aqua. it's free.
speaking as someone that lives near the amish; and has no pity for those that inflict injury upon themselves, i'm not terribly upset about any of...
when are you going to realize that they don't care anymore? they have been on auto pilot for like a year now.
it doesn't say what year
i don't understand the "no support". the game already tracks crystal usage, all people are asking for is that it is displayed to them. any...
They want you to pay for the other key...
that isn't enough to max one building on the new lands...
no. what you need to do is create a cult to talk about how you are the cutest girl on kaw for you.
Yeah, it's weird that you only did one action on such a long eb. But that still should have earned you the bonus. I've done one action on small...
Yeah. I realized that while i was doing sporaks revenge br yesterday...for the first time in years. Was thinking of the torrent talisman