Separate names with a comma.
Use the smallest pot you can to hit all the way while losing minimal troops. Experiment. Increasing your attack BFE will help you minimize the...
Despite the incessant grumblings (what do you expect with this many players?), the devs have hit on a winning formula. They've kept it fresh and...
Nah it's not that hard to get them hooked. It's all in how you keep them motivated and inspired to grow on their own.
Your profile page. They show up with your OTHER items.
Let's say you flip a coin. Heads are good. Tails are bad. Only problem is if you get 6 tails in a row, you get an electrical shock and you have to...
It's good to have confirmation, res. Thx. Not that it's particularly useful nowadays. Ppl typically get volleyed quickly past that point. I'm...
If you are HLBC then continue on in HF with Elven temples. They aren't the "best" but you need at least one balanced build to make the most out of...
I want the scrolling BB code!! And should develop a good proposal and put it before the community and, if it gets enough support,...
Kaw forums use a very small set of BB codes. I don't know. Maybe it's a licensing thing or something inherent to Php. So many other great BB codes...
What Chaos said
What TK said
Yeah. But I can't imagine we will get more hits with bigger builds. Otherwise it would have been noticed by now.
@Haze - yes. For my build, that's what a lvl1 HF tower did. Your results may vary. It all depends on where you are on that plunder curve
Sigh. 50 guilds and I was making 106 mil FH on 3x haunt. One tower in HF dropped me to 98 mil
Back on pg 2328 I noted that you could get 39 hits on another player (not EB) in one unload if you had a lvl2 beastiary. Resilience recalled...
It's a bit of a double edged sword. I think SDTs are better than ADTs because it's been my experience that they add 1/4 the plunder of an enemy...
Best is to go beastiaries and guilds until the 900 mil land. Then convert everything to lvl4 guilds and 1 war aviary. Or you can do a CoE but I...
Love this post! I've kinda been arguing that towers on lowlands was always a better bargain. But yeah, in order to allay concerns, you have to...
Lvl 2 beast gives 1050 troops max and you lose 27 per hit
Tier 1 and Tier 2 (at least up to level 2, as far as I've tested)...give you 36 attacks per unload!!! Just like spy assassinates in EBs. I...