Separate names with a comma.
Yes it's mine
Yea seriously your gayifying it
Ok seriously get out.
Night marodo fav bands guys?
Kitty haz good music taste 2 highfive every1
I'd say my hijacking attempt was successful ;D
Uprising was a great song Oh and black hole sun by soundgarden
Muse isn't bad never really liked cage the elephant Breaking benjamin is the bomb tho ad they are amazing live an on CD
Every rose has it's thorn by poison bodies drowning pool
My cousin had an original copy of the ride the lightning Album by metallica that thing was awzome
Uh no
Pretty dang good lists we made I'd say ninja
Guns n roses welcome to the jungle sweet child o mine paradise city bon jovi the entire cross roads album aerosmith livin on the edge Janie got...
I post songz too Metallica master of puppets enter sandman unforgiven 1 2 an 3 one sad but true for whom the bells toll AC/DC hells bells back...
That song is awsome
Buy Metallicas black album best most badasss album ever
Look if u have the courage to admit u like JB just come out the closet, ul always have cheesemstr with ya
Still haven't come outthe closet yet huh
Then u got some gay friends how's your boyfriend doing?
Timmons I am about to destroy ur clan for saying they suck ur lucky I'm in a pwar