Separate names with a comma.
3 things 1 THIS STORY IS AMAZING 2 were the needles in her face still since they got there? Through that whole thing? 3 the elven peoples and...
Hey, better? Did i say better? Of course your not better. Worse. Much worse>.> <.< just legendary
. You should advertise in the writers cafe..
I DID say 'as it started' lol
Its french?>.< french has gotta be my worst language
Cheese has been unnoobafied and is now legendary.
Zaln you described The Writers Cafe as it started
Ummm no comprenda el spanyo?
Its okay
I know how to spell contractions.. 0.o?
And passing to close to a star would be disasterous hehe
Do you know how far away the nearest star is? Lol
Oh and also. My time in fanfic IS enjoyable, but thanks anyways:)
...Since its not set, lots of times...*
The last sentence makes perfect sence. And the second last one should have had a comma.
And feather.. You pointed out the updating of stories isnt set, so its staggered. That could be true and all, but considering more sories are...
Seems more like you used space then saved it but yea, to confusing and chaotic..
Your forgetting the heat from the sun. And farther and itd be to cold. Have you seen how much ice is on pluto?