Separate names with a comma.
Hey I'm just coming up with reasons for your un needed dislike of me
Ugh quit not quitted
Oh well hope things work out for you happy jawing. But Never have friends who playkaw. When you quitted slip kawcaine in your drink and back you go.
darn maybe next time. Be an equal match up
Yeah I'm pretty sure he just doesn't like me cause I'm ad mortem. On a side not fight you death would be interesting. We're both hansels with like...
Yeah seemed very slederesque to me but yeah so was that whole story.
So you don't know any way to contact stora correct person I don't know what to call
If people keep quitting were gonna have to start mass producing tribute threads
Yeah eh kinda forgot to put in my editorial tips. Maybe next time
As long as I am here I shall keep this thread alive for all future generations. Lest the glory of the stora be never forgotten
Yeah well **** you! On a side note. DOESN'T MATTER RAGEQUIT
Oh sorry and yeah I can't believe I was so stupid didn't even get an email to a steam or something. I miss stora so much was pretty much the main...
Deaths gonna gain 30 pounds eating all that.
Support since I'm editing for you it would be bad if I didn't. When you're ready for your friendly editor to check your next chapter email me.
Anyway now that I'm thinking about it anybody on ff have storas email or like a steam account?
See this is what I miss why didn't I get to know people like you better bright.(think that's what you said people could call you) anyway the only...
There's like no one left from when I joined tis sad and why did I never get storas email
Well FFs going to ****
So you're a girl? Or is that just an underlying assumption you make with the buying ofmchardonnay and murdering people with screwdrivers.