Separate names with a comma.
You missed the original cow
That cow is scary...
Well auctually the death it's self is only 90$ (rounding up) While a single year in prison is 90 thousand. Keeping him in prison for 56.8 years...
Pst... AJ... You forgot to put that I signed up for this for some reason or another. Wait I remember the reason now... To make a short thread...
No support. There is a reason people over price allies. Also then people could have a bigger problem reaching max plunder.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* May I offer an option 6 of just donate out of the good of your heart and not want a reward for...
What goes into that build?
Sure I do, but I would need to know how to find it.
Really omar? You expect an ss of him deciding to play less... Some people are just idiots I guess.
See ya later Jackson. Hope to catch you around sometime. (Does this mean I win our 1v1?)
It depends on what your going for. If you like pvp plunder make a defensive build, like eb plunder favor attack buildings to deal more damage for...
Glad to hear it, how have you been?
Anyone wanna derail this thread? I for one love how cute it is he hid his allies (if he has any)
But your down too weak...
420, can I be your friend this looks like fun!
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.7 One option is to make a Google site. In terms of cost (free) to adds (none) they are...
According to old published retention rates, once new players reach 30 days that is when they are retained.